Restoring Your Bounce with Physical Therapy for Achy Knees
Restore your mobility and say goodbye to knee pain with TLC Physical Therapy. Led by Jason LaMendola PT, our expert team can help you feel young and active again. Through manual therapy, targeted exercises, and education, we'll reduce your knee pain and improve your knee function. Don't let achy knees hold you back. Schedule an appointment at one of our New York City locations in Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Manhattan.
5/5/20231 min read
Restoring Your Bounce with Physical Therapy for Achy Knees
Being active in our youth brings us some of the most joyous memories that we hold near and dear. Now everyday tasks such as climbing stairs or using the toilet are becoming increasingly more challenging.
Knee pain is a common problem that can affect people of all ages. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including injuries, overuse, and arthritis.
If you are experiencing knee pain, physical therapy can help. Physical therapy can help to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and strengthen the muscles around the knee.
Are you one of the millions of people dealing with knee pain? The team of function experts at TLC Physical Therapy led by Jason LaMendola PT can help you feel young again.
Here are some of the ways that physical therapy can help to put a spring back in your step when you have achy knees:
Manual therapy: Physical therapists can use their hands to massage and stretch the muscles and tendons around the knee. This can help to reduce pain and improve range of motion and flexibility.
Exercises: Physical therapists can teach you exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Strong muscles help to support the knee and reduce the risk of injury.
Education: Physical therapists can teach you about proper body mechanics and how to avoid activities that aggravate your knee pain.
If you are looking to take a dive into your knee pain, schedule an appointment at one of our New York offices located in Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Manhattan to see one of our experts.